Day: Sunday

Date: December 18, 2017/ 30 Rabiul Awwal 1439 H

Place: Maqam Al Imam Abdul Salam ibn Masyish

After visiting the birthplace of Imam al-Akbar Sayyid Ahmad ibn Idris last night, the Ikhwan continue their journey to Jabal Alam to visit the maqam of Imam Abdul Salam ibn Masyish.

As we know, Imam Abdul Salam is the spiritual teacher to one of the pillars of the Ahmadiah Idrisiah Tariqah, Imam Abu Hasan al Syazuli. He is the one who was responsible for teaching and guiding Imam Abu al Hasan in his journey towards Allah Ta’ala who eventually became the greatest Sufi scholar during his time.

Hilly journey and changing weathers where it was quite cool at times made us all think for a moment on the struggles and determination of Imam Abu Hasan al Syazuli, how he was able to survive a challenging journey to seek for his spiritual teacher Imam Abdus Salam in the middle of this mountain just to study and start his journey towards Allah SWT.

From left: Dr. Sayyid Muhammad al Mujaddidi ibn al Hasan al Idrisi, Prof. Dr. Sayyid Abdul Wahhab al Tazi ibn al Hasan al Idrisi (Syeikhul General Tariqah Ahmadiah Idrisiah World) and Dato ‘Haji Muhammad Fuad bin Kamaludin (General Representative of Shaykh Ahmadiah Idrisiah for Southeast Asia) on Maqam Maulay Sayyid Abdus Salam ibn Masyish, Jabal ‘Alam Morocco.

Our journey was accompanied by, the Grand Shaykh of the Ahmadiah Idrisiah Tariqah, Prof. Dr. Abdul Wahhab al Tazi, his deputy Dr. Sayyid Muhammad al Mujaddidi al Idrisi, and Dato ‘Hj. Muhammad Fuad bin Kamaludin.

Our visit ended with the recitation of Tahlil Khusus, Salawat Azhimiah, Istighfar Kabir and prayers from the Masyaikh. The masyaikh also prayed for the blessing upon the ikhwan of Ahmadiah Idrisiah Tariqah.

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