Indeed, the true sign of love and sincerity towards Imam Sayyid Ahmad ibn Idris is presenting one’s service towards his works. This is done to uplift and introduce the practices and knowledge of Imam Sayyid Ahmad ibn Idris so that it could shared with the ummah.

Hence, during a recent visit to Sudan, Dato’ Shaykh Muhammad Fuad bin Kamaludin presented the latest publishing of the Ahmadiyya Idrisiah Tariqah heritage by the High Council of the Ahmadiyya Idrisiah Tariqah Southeast Asia to his beloved teacher Prof. Dr. Sayyid Abdul Wahhab al Tazi al Hasan al Idrisi, Grand Shaykh of the High Council of the Ahmadiyya Idrisiah Tariqah.

The meeting was held at the main headquarters of the High Council of Ahmadiah Idrisiah Tariqah in Omdurman. Among the published are:

1- Risalah al Aurad al Idrisiah
رسالة الأوراد الإدريسية


2- Majmuah Ahzab wa Aurad wa Rasail al Imam al Sayyid Ahmad ibn Idris
مجموعة إحزاب وأوراد ورسائل الإمام السيد أحمد بن إدريس

3- Ahzab Wa Aurad al Tariqah al Ahmadiah al Idrisiah.
أحزاب وأوراد الطريقة الأحمدية الإدريسية

The latest published works of the Ahmadiah Idrisiah Tariqah published by the High Council of the Ahmadiah Idrisiah Tariqah Southeast Asia through the efforts and ideas of Dato’ Shaykh Muhammad Fuad bin Kamaludin are the most thorough, neat and attractive ever produced in the world since the time of Imam Ahmad ibn Idris.


Hopefully this noble effort will eventually spread the methods and knowledge of Imam Sayyid Ahmad ibn Idris exceeding national and political borders.


Prof. Dr. Sayyid Abdul Wahhab al Tazi ibn al Hasan al Idrisi having a look at the Aurad of the Ahmadiyya Idrisiah Tariqah when it was presented to him by Dato ‘Haji Muhammad Fuad bin Kamaludin as the Shaykh of the Ahmadiah idrisiah Tariqah Southeast Asia in Sudan recently.


From left: Dr Sayyid Muhammad al Mujaddidi al Idrisi, Prof Dr Sayyid Abdul Wahhab al Tazi al Idrisi dan Dato’ Syeikh Haji Muhammad Fuad bin Kamaludin.


Also present is Dr Sayyid Muhammad al Mujaddidi ibn al Hasan al Idrisi (left) who is the younger brother of the Grand Shaykh of Ahmadiah Idrisiah Tariqah.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Redzwan Zaini


    How do i get a copy of Kitab No. 2, Majmuah Ahzab

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