(1163-1253AH / 1750-1837AD)
Name and Lineage
Imam Ahmad ibn Idris is one of the seminal figures of Islam in the nineteenth century. He came from the noble family of The Adarisah who were well known in the lands of North Africa. He was a descendant of the Prophet SAW, through Sayyiduna Hassan ibn Ali ibn Abu Talib.
Even though Imam Ahmad ibn Idris was blessed with a noble family lineage, it was never his nature to boast about it. This is clearly illustrated in Imam Sayyid Muhammad ibn Ali al Sanusi’s (a prominent student of Imam Ahmad Ibn Idris) writings on the lineage of his teacher. In it, Imam Ahmad ibn Idris firmly stated:
“My lineage is the Book and Sunnah. Look at me, if you find me on the path of the Book and Sunnah, then say, “Ahmad ibn Idris is on the path of the Book and Sunnah.” This is my lineage. Allah SWT states: “On this day, I have made low your lineage and raised My lineage, which is taqwa.”
He was born on the 21st of Rajab 1163AH (1750AD) in a small village in Mzoura near the coastal town of Larache (العرائـش) which is in northern Morocco.
“My lineage is the Book and Sunnah. Look at me, if you find me on the path of the Book and Sunnah, then say, “Ahmad ibn Idris is on the path of the Book and Sunnah.” This is my lineage. Allah SWT states: “On this day, I have made low your lineage and raised My lineage, which is taqwa.”
Even as a child, Imam Ahmad ibn Idris was nurtured with the teachings of Islam and showed great signs of his future scholarly pursuits.
During the early stage of his learning, he memorized the Quran and other disciplines of sacred knowledge. He acquired the basic knowledge of Islam by studying with a teacher, while at the same time was in the care of his two brothers, Sayyid Muhammad and Sayyid Abdullah ibn Idris.
In Fez, he studied in the Great Mosque of al Qarawiyyin with various scholars who taught there.
Looking back at his educational background, he had attained chains of transmissions which cover all fields, including hadith, tafsir, fiqh, tasawwuf and others.
Imam Ahmad ibn Idris had also narrated many Musalsal Hadith which some having the status of ‘Aali (the highest authentication). Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ali al Syaukani, writer of the famous book Nail al Autar, acknowledged these narrations from Imam Ahmad ibn Idris.
Imam Ahmad ibn Idris was a man adorned with good looks and noble characters.
He was of medium height, with reddish white skin, wide-eyed, and had a thin beard with a lot of grey hairs. He was known to be well spoken and strong hearted.
His high level of intelligence and understanding resulted in those that sat with him to never feel bored.
He was known to be very generous and was a man of few words unless he was reciting zikr or teaching. During his lessons, his conveyance was incredibly accurate and beautifully fluent.
Sayyid Muhammad al Hassan al Mirghani once described his good looks: “His beauty is like shining gold.”
His turban was usually worn on top of his cap, leaving a tail which fell on his back. The length of his clothes would reach his ankles, as according to the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW.
He was a very righteous and pious man.
His Passing
On a Saturday night, between Maghrib and Isya, 21st of Rajab 1253AH (1837AD), Imam Ahmad ibn Idris was invited to meet his Lord.